
Up men to your posts! Don't forget today that you are from old Virginia. -- George Pickett

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lesser Varieties of Religious Experience

There is a a recent article in the "Journal of Consumer Research" called Religiosity in the Abandoned Apple Newton Brand Community (Link is to an abstract). This is a link to the PDF of the entire paper. Take a look at the paper for a minute or two; it is worth a glance for its off-putting and uncomfortable mix of marketing and academic jargon, and its often laugh-out-loud attempts to shoehorn committed hobby-fanatic speak into "religion." The parts about "motifs" and "magico-religious metaphors and imagery" remind me of George Lucas's bogus project to retroactively turn his space-western into a Joseph Campbell myth. The writers could have much more easily found parallels between fandom and religion by taking a look at serious sports fans (i.e. Red Sox fans).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"off-putting and uncomfortable mix of marketing and academic jargon"

Speaking as someone with vast marketing knowledge, it uses academic jargon because it is just that, an academic paper. It uses marketing jargon because it is about that, marketing.

Use your brains, not your personal feelings towards the subject matter, when creating posts about something you know nothing about.

Unless you're a Republican, than that would explain why you can't distinguish between knowledge and emotion.

4:55 PM  

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